
Fundraising Update

Hi there!

I’m smiling as I write this update. Y’all have already been so generous in financially supporting my educational endeavors, and so kind in your encouragement of this pursuit. I’m humbled and very grateful! If you didn’t get a chance to read the longer post I wrote with details about the masters degree I’m starting in the fall, you can read it here.

A couple of brief updates…

First off, we (Hope Chapel and myself) have received $7,825 of contributions. This is about 1/3 of the total amount I am hoping to raise (I wrote about those details here). This is amazing! {UPDATE: As of August 4, I have received contributions of $12,975. THANK YOU!!!}

Second, I found out a couple of weeks ago that I was awarded a scholarship by The Seattle School. From their website: “This is a $3,000 scholarship awarded to students who have demonstrated exceptional and “uncommon” leadership in a church or community context. It is awarded based on the applicant’s embodiment of relational maturity, integrity and innovative vision through leadership.” Needless to say, this was a big encouragement to me. If I add that to the funds that have been donated, that brings the total to $15,975. Praise the Lord!

I would greatly appreciate it if you would consider helping me close the gap on the remaining $8,000. If you would like to partner with me by investing in my educational costs, Hope Chapel has made it simple (and tax-deductable!) to do so. You can CONTRIBUTE ONLINE here or mail a check to Hope Chapel (908 N. Josephine Boyd St., Greensboro, NC 27408) with ‘education fund’ in the memo. 

If you have any questions about what I’m doing or about the fundraising side of things, I would love to chat! Send me a note at